It’s that time of the night when your eyes are glazing over, you’re yawning uncontrollably and your favorite TV show has started to lose its appeal. You’re exhausted and it’s clear that your body is desperate for a little shut-eye. You crawl under the sheets and close your eyes, just to find yourself waiting for sleep that never comes. Whether you have difficulty falling asleep or you wake up throughout the night, you could be suffering from insomnia. According to the American Sleep Association, there are two types of insomnia. Primary, formally known as idiopathic insomnia, refers to an inability to fall asleep that is not caused by a medical condition, psychiatric issue or medication. Secondary insomnia is a consequence of a medical condition, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or chronic pain. No matter what type of dozing dilemma you find yourself facing, you need help fast. According to Healthline, research shows that people who do not get enough sleep have a...